
Урок на тему "A Global Teenager" у 9 класі

Objectives: - to activise vocabulary;
-         to develop students' speaking skills;
-         to develop students' interest to English;
-         to bring up respect to each other.

Equipment: whiteboard, text, handouts.

 I. Warming-up.
 Adolescence is probably one of the best periods of life of every person.   You are young, full of energy and dreams, you are healthy and free. You want to be independent. Today we are going to speak about teenagers, the role of English and the Internet in your life, and of course about problems that a teenager can face.
Continue the phrase, please:
“Being a teenager means…”
 1. Group Work. Among the activities you've mentioned that teenagers use a lot was the Internet. Do you think it is useful or not? Work in groups and discuss advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet.
     2. Survey. All these disadvantages can cause different problems. It will be interesting for you to find out. Let us make a survey about teens problems among our students. I need three volunteers:
 The 1st volunteer asks students what problems  teens  can have with their parents.
The 2nd volunteer asks about conflicts with friends.
The 3rd volunteer asks about problems at school. After doing  a survey, please, report about your results.
     3. Pair Work. You see the life of teenagers is not easy, it is full of stress and temptations. It's  very important to have wise parents and experienced friends. Imagine that one of your friends needs help. According to the situation you get, prepare a dialogue where one person tells the problem and the other tries to give a piece of advice. You have about two minutes to get ready. Then act out your dialogues.

I’m going to a summer camp next month and I'll  have to make new friends. The problem is I’m really shy. Are you good at making good friends? How do you do it? Any suggestions would be useful.

I’ve had an argument with my best friend and we're not talking to each other. I’m really upset about it. Do you ever argue with your best friend? What things do you argue about? What do you think I should do?

Have you ever been let down by a boy friend? I think that's happened to me. My boy friend has told me he doesn’t want to go out with me any more. I feel rejected, alone, and miserable. What do you think I should do?

Do your parents criticize that you don’t do well at school? It seems to me they put so much pressure on me. What can I do? Do you think I should tell them it's making me unhappy?

Have your friend ever forgotten to invite you to a party? I think that’s happened to me. A girl from our class is having a birthday party and everybody's going – except me. I haven’t been invited. Should I say something to her? Should I just ignore it and not invite her to my next party? Do you think I should go to the party anyway?

     III. Summing up. We learn from our experience. Every failure makes us stronger. Just don’t forget that you can turn to your parents and good friends if you need help or advice. Sometimes you can be a helping hand for your friend. About three thousand years ago Confucius said: “The person who helps others helps himself.” So, be optimistic, realistic, and wise. Thank for your participation.    

 Урок на тему ” Mass Media- a Mirror of the World” у 8 класі
 Objectives: - to generalize and enlarge pupils’ knowledge about mass media;
 - to develop pupils’ speaking skills in monologue and dialogue speech, in audition;
 - to provide pupils with all kinds of information dealing with different aspects of mass media and its role in our life;
 - to encourage students to express personal opinion;
 - to develop pupils’ cognitive and creative skills.
 Equipment: A textbook; a word-map “Newspapers and Magazines”; stickers; matching tasks; a ball; a toy for “Hot Potato” game; cards “Agree/ Undecided/ Disagree”; photos of different celebrities; American magazines; project works “Information Pages”; a microphone; a sand clock. 
 І. Greeting. Theme and aims of the lesson
 ІІ. Warming-up activities:
 a) T: Hello, my dears! How are your things today? You must have a fantastic mood today, on the first day of spring. So smile to one another and let’s start. We are going to have a lesson devoted to mass media. People have always wanted to be well-informed in the current events. They used to read books, newspapers and magazines. Mark Twain once said: “ There are only two forces that can carry light to all corners of the globe- the sun in the heavens and the press.” The world was changing rapidly,new types of mass media appeared: radio, later television and at last Internet. Nowadays a message can be sent to mass audience by many means of communications.We may assert that the mass media are in control of most spheres in the life of society. 
b) Vocabulary revision: a ball game Speaking about mass media we can’t do without topical vocabulary. So I’ll throw a ball to some of you and say any word from our theme. You are to make up a sentence with it.
 c) Brainstorming “ Mass Media” What information can you find in newspapers and magazines, on TV and in the Internet? What topics are covered there? Let’s make up a mind map. You have stickers on your desks, write there what you need, then stand up, come up to the blackboard and stick them. Let’s see what we are having here. 
ІІІ. Main part:
 1. Speaking 
a) Let’s discuss what mass media is for you. What for do we need knowledge? Where do we get information from? 
b) Matching task- jigsaw: You are to choose one pupil in your group to do this task. There are some texts about mass media on the walls, on the windows, on the door. I’d like you to find the text concerning your kind of mass media. Be ready to read your text.
 c) Group work. Next task is the following one. Prove that your kind of mass media is the best. Discuss, please. 
2. Game “Hot Potato” I need 6 pupils for this game. The first pupil must name 5 things which I say to you. But he must do it simultaneouly with other pupils who will pass the toy to one another quickly. Then we’ll change the first pupil. e.g. Name 5 titles of newspapers (magazines). Name 5 popular topics of teen’s magazines. Etc. 
3. Speaking task “Agree/ Undecided/ Disagree” Now, be ready to listen to my statement and then stand up and come up to that table which suits to your opinion. If you agree with my statement, stand here and so on. e.g. “ Vpered” is an interesting newspaper for Olexandrivka readers. 
4. A relaxation pause- a short break. Let’s take a break and have a short rest. You know that journalists are very attentive, curious and assertive people. Let’s see who can be a good journalist among you. Stand up everybody, please. Come up to the windows. Look out of the window and name 10 things you can see outside. Mind some curious things, so called nuances. 
5.Group work. Matching task. Match the names of the newspapers and magazines to their English translations. Then we’ll see who’s the quickest and the cleverest among you. e.g. “Yuna Ledi”- “ Young Lady” 
6. Photo tasks: a) Warming-up: Look at these 2 photos and compare the people. Find differences. Mind their appearance, accessories, clothes and all other details. 
b) Guessing task “Guess the Person” You can see different photos on the blackboard. Guess any person you like. Then your classmates will ask you some Yes/No questions and guess the person. 
с) Making a biography: You are having a name-shield before you. Using it and the photos on your desks and of course your imagination, think of the biography of that person. Imagine you are journalists, discuss the information in groups and present a biography of this or that person.
7. Comment on any article from a newspaper or a magazine. Look through articles from my magazines, choose any you like, then be ready to comment it.
 8. Project work. Your hometask was to present an information page for your magazines. I’d like to see how you’ve prepared to this task. You are welcome. 
9. Interview: I know that one pupil among you dreams to be a journalist. Let’s give him a chance to interview you and our dear guests. 
10. Discussing sayings of famous people. 
ІV. Summing up, Homework. Prepare a composition about your favourite newspaper / magazine

Урок на тему: «Іграшки» у 2 класі
Objectives: - to activise vocabulary;
-         to develop students' listening skills;
-         to develop reading skills;
-         to improve students' ABC;
-         to develop students' interest to English;
-         to bring up respect to each other.

Засоби навчання: іграшки, малюнки, таблиці, лист, магнітофон.

 Хід уроку:
І. Організація класу.
Привітання (пісня “ Good morning”)
T: How are you?
Ps: I’m fine, thank you.
II. Розминка.
T: Діти, вранці я зустріла листоношу. І він сказав, що принесе нам сьогодні
листа від моєї подруги з Англії. А ви знаєте, про що люблять
розмовляти англійці?
Давайте складемо свого листа про погоду та відправимо його до
Великої Британії.
So, what is the weather like today?
Ps: It is sunny today.
It is not rainy (frosty).
It is not windy. The sky is blue.
Приходить листоноша.
ІІІ. Аудіювання.
Т: А тепер давайте послухаємо, що пише моя подружка. Потім ви скажете мені як її звати, звідкіля вона і яка ж погода в Англії. Тож, listen attentively.
Hello! My name is Laura. I am from London. I don’t like the weather today, because it is not sunny today. It is cloudy and windy today. It is not snowy but it is rainy today. The sky is gray. I can not play with my friends outside. I want to go to Ukraine.
T: So, tell me: What is her name?
Where is she from?
And what is the weather like in London.
IV. Діалогічне мовлення.
Т: Який незвичайний у нас сьогодні день. Спочатку отримали листа, а тепер до нас завітав гість. Це відоме всім мишенятко. Ви хочете познайомитися з ним?
(Діти задають питання типу: What is your name? Where are you from?
Where do you study? What languages do you study? What form are you in?

What toys have you got?)
T: А чи знаєте ви вірші про іграшки?
(вірші: “I’ve got a doll”, “I have got a dolphin”).
V. Скажіть мені, будь ласка, які ще іграшки ви знаєте?
Let’s play “Snowball” game.
VI. Фізкультхвилинка
Ой, я так втомилась! Треба трошки відпочити.
So, stand up and let’s sing and dance. We are little “teddy-bears
VII. Читання
Т: Діти, подивіться, у конверті ще щось є. Це телеграма. Прочитаймо її дуже уважно. Але перед читанням треба зробити зарядку для наших язичків (таблиці зі звуками і словами).
Т: (після прочитання по реченню) Діти, я прочитала, і не все зрозуміла.
Допоможіть мені, будь ласка, виправити мої помилки.
My name is Bill. I am ten. I am from Africa. I am a big boy. I have got a cat, a
dog, a bus, a tram, a pig and a frog. I can run, jump and swim.
1. My name is Tom.
2. I can run. +
3. I have got a frog. +
4. I am seven.
VIII. Письмо.
Т: Ми зовсім забули про наш алфавіт. Він стоїть y куточку і плаче. Давайте його розвеселимо.
Let’s sing “ABC” song. (співають пісню).
1. А ви знаєте, що букви люблять грати в схованки. Знайдіть, де заховалася літера Ff.
2. Ви уявляєте, вчора мій комп’ютер зовсім не захотів зі мною працювати. захворів, чи що? Ось, подивіться, він пропустив деякі літери. Допишіть їх.
(Діти виконують письмові завдання).
ІХ. Підсумок
Т: Ви гарно сьогодні попрацювали. Дуже мені допомогли. Well done! Very, very good work! 

The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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