Мій Євроклуб

19 січня 2010 року у Новоукраїнській гімназії №7 розпочав роботу Євроклуб "Eurofriends".

Мої вихованці є активними учасниками Парадів європейських країн і  обласних Єврофестів, захищаючи імідж гімназії на високому рівні. Під час занять учні знайомляться з особливостями європейських країн, вивчають географічне положення, особливості культури народів, їх традиції та спосіб життя. Завданням учнів є не тільки ознайомлення з енциклопедійними відомостями країн, а й, опрацювавши певний матеріал, визначити «неофіційні» символи, які передають дух народу, підкреслюють особливості життя даного народу  (наприклад, Швейцарія – швейцарський годинник, швейцарські банки,   швейцарський сир та багато іншого). Кінцевий результат річної роботи є виступ-представлення європейських країн на районному параді європейських країн та обласному Єврофесті.
Це цікаво учням, тому що вони можуть цікаво проведити час; отримувати нові знання; знайомитися з однолітками з усьго світу; розширювати коло спілкування; пізнавати світ та знайомитись з країнами ЄС.  

Для мене, як для керівника гуртка, це реалізація власних задумів; збільшення досвіду роботи у позашкільній роботі; нові знайомства; обмін знаннями; нові форми роботи з учнями.

Презентації євроклубу

Italy in Our Imagination 

- Bonzhorno, sinyore!
- Salve, Bambino!
- Sono di konoscherla!
A short link. Italy is a Mediterranean country located on the Apennine Peninsula and the Islands, the largest being Sicily and Sardinia.
- Italy with an area of over 301,000 square kilometers. The population of over 60 million people.
The capital is Rome. According to legend, the city was founded by Romulus and Remus brothers on 21 April 753. D. A., that is, when the territory of modern Ukraine was where civilization began.
- The official language is Italian, which replaced the Latin. So phrases such as "Vienna, awkward age" in modern Italy, too, do not understand.
- Italy country Sunny beaches of the Adriatic, the Ligurian, the Tyrrhenian and the other of the sea, white Alpine peaks, including the world famous Mont Blanc, active volcanoes - Vesuvius and Etna.
- Italy gave the world many geniuses of art and science. Here was born a new kind of man and his place in the world and relationship with God. Sounds Petrarch sonnets one (read from memory).
Italian music! .. The whole world is in awe of the works of Verdi, Vivaldi, Paganini on the skill. Every Opera singer dreams of performing at a Milan theatre "La Scala" ...
- A festival of Italian song in Sanremo, in our time-the biggest music event not only in Italy but throughout the world. The best songs of the festival, immediately broke in the first place in the charts around the world. In 2001, Ukraine was represented by Katya Buzhinskaya for the first time at the festival in San Remo.
- Interesting fact: the famous Neapolitan song "o sole Mio ...", which became a symbol of Sunny Italy, the composer Eduardo Di Capua wrote in 1898 in Odessa, gazing out the window at the waves of the Black sea.
In Italy tourists go not only sea, sun and music. Today the best European football Nations.
- Enchanting music sounds in the ears of fans of the title, inter, Juventus, Milan, Roma, Sampdoria, Fiorentina ...
- Anyone who was in Italy, can not fail to mention the hospitality and kindness of the locals. They are cheerful and sociable .
- And you certainly serves local cuisine, and you all become fans of Italian cuisine.
- Italian cuisine is the founder of high culinary art. The aroma of Italian food do not mix with other. It is filled with the aroma of seafood, herbs, and spices, good fruit that has ripened on the sun-drenched spaces.
- What would Italian food without salsa di Pomodoro, Gorgonzola cheese and Parmesan, hnoki and pasta, polenta and ravioli? Anything, but not Italian food.
The Queen of the Italian table, of course, pizza. While all apennintsya stuffing recipe: someone eating pizza with mushrooms, the other with apples, and others with eggs, and the fourth with just cheese.
Травень, 2010. Презентація Італії


Swiss Paradise

 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Euroclub "Eurofriends» invite you to Switzerland!

 - Guten Tag, meine Damen und gospada!
 - Bonne journée! comment allez-vous!
 - Buon giorno! come stai!
 And why do you  greet in different languages?
 Because Switzerland has three official languages. German, French, Italian.
 "Switzerland is a paradise" - said  Queen Elizabeth during her visit to Bern. In fact, the best place for leisure travel is not found.
 We give you a virtual trip to the Swiss mountains, and we wish to make it in the future become a real trip.
 From ancient times  natives Switzerland  used as a way of interesting musical manner - yodel.
Children Dance
The main dish here is  the famous Swiss fondue. It is made with local cheese. Now fondue in Switzerland is  prepared in the best restaurants.
 Back in 1912, an emigrant  Z. Davydoff from Kyiv opened a tobacco shop in Switzerland. Today this world-famous firm Davidoff, which are produced under the brand of tobacco products, perfumes, coffee, etc.
 The symbol of tenderness around the world is of course chocolate, which incidentally invented in Switzerland. A Swiss firm Nestle provides quality of food.
 Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world. It is also the largest financial center. Banks in Switzerland have become hallmark of the country.
 In Switzerland, there is a huge number of headquarters of international organizations such as the UN, the Red Cross, Sports: FIFA.

 The Swiss do the best and the most expensive watches in the world. The most famous brands are Rolex, Chopard, Breguet, Patek Philippe
Dance with clocks
 The most ancient cities of Switzerland are Basel, Geneva and Lausanne. The capital  is  Bern. The population is 8mln.
Єврофест 2013. Моя команда прзентувала Швейцарію


The Netherlands
Уч. 1: We invite you to Western Europe, to the North Sea, to the land of sand and lakes, welcome to the Netherlands.
Уч. 2: The Kingdom of the Netherlands...
Уч. 3: It is a constitutional monarchy. There is an industrial giant "Philips" and conservative Hague and of course… Amsterdam.
Уч. 4: Each country is associated with something special. So, we are going to represent you the most famous symbols of the Netherlands.
Уч. 1: - Do you know what color is the symbol of the royal house?
Уч. 2: - Of course orange.  The Queen's Birthday is on the 30 April and people wear orange clothes, the streets are decorated with orange ribbons  and balloons .
Уч. 3: If you see a tulip somewhere it always reminds you about the Netherlands.
Уч. 4: People believe that tulips bring happiness
Уч. 4: All the guests try to get into the most famous Keykenhof Park to watch the unforgettable flower fest.
Children dance
Уч. 1: An Old windmill is the symbol of Holland.
Уч. 2: The traditional footwear of the Dutch is wooden shoes Klomps.
Уч. 3: The king of the local roads is a bicycle.
Уч. 4: The Dutch are skillful porters.
Уч. 4: A Delft blue pottery is well-known all over the world.
Уч. 1: A Well known Peace Palace is the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
Vaarwel! / Favelas /
2011 рік. "Євродрузі" представляли Нідерланди

2012р. Команда "Eurofriends" представляла Фінляндію на Параді Європейських країн.

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